Natasha Raulerson

TBT – Treasure Trolls

Children of the 80’s and the 90’s will remember Treasure Trolls. These weren’t the only ones of course. Some of them were just dressed in fun outfits or whatever, but the Treasure Trolls, with their little gems in the belly were always my favorite. I had tons of them! I still even have one of my own.

wpid-20150511_133421.jpgMan I used to love making wishes on their gems and playing with their hair. I’d have them lined up next to my bed at night like they could protect me from the evil trolls that lurked out there. (Yes, as in the mean ones from Ernest Scared Stupid)

Don’t laugh, we were all kids once with our crazy imaginations! (I kinda hope my imagination is still crazy actually!)


Does anyone else still have a Troll or two from their childhood? I had more than just the plastic ones. I had the actual baby doll ones too. I have no idea what happened to all of them, but for a long time my mom kept them in a toy chest. Seriously, love her to death, but she’s a memory pack rat.

Even if it wasn’t a troll doll, what was your favorite toy growing up?

2 thoughts on “TBT – Treasure Trolls

  1. E.L. Wicker says:

    OMG – They’re DISGUSTING!!! I never owned one and I never will. I always thought them vile little creatures. And what’s with the nakedness? So gross, so gross. Can you tell I don’t like them AT ALL? lol

  2. Kathy Palm says:

    I still have my unicorn My Little Pony from the 80s. He’s the best. His tail comes out if you brush it too hard, but his magic is intact. I didn’t have any trolls. But their hair is cool!

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