Sunday Snippet – The Walrus Writers

I’m heading home from RT, and while I’m over the Gulf my awesome CP group will be on Skype talking about Diana’s epic writing skills. I write all my blog posts ahead of time, even this one, but I can safely predict the future here.

I miss my girls.

We have a routine! A rotation! A weekly meeting! To miss that, well it somewhat sucks. Cause they’re awesome, and we talk about more than just writing–okay sometimes we talk about writing less than we should.

Ladies, we should probably work on that.

But, I want to let Kathy, EL, and Diana know that I appreciate everything they do to help me, and I hope that I do enough to help and support them. They are the most amazing bunch of authors you will ever meet.

I’m sure everyone thinks that about their Critique Partners, but I’m gonna pull that old line that mom’s usually reserve for kids.

My Critique Partners are more amazing than yours. So NEEEEEENER.

Okay, I just made myself laugh. But seriously, ladies, you’re amazing, I love you, and I can’t wait for next Sunday’s meeting!

2 thoughts on “Sunday Snippet – The Walrus Writers

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