Natasha Raulerson

Wednesday Watchings – iZombie

It’s a good question, and Liv Moore, newly turned Zombie has the answer. I’m not going to tell you what it is. If you want to know, you’re going to have to watch, because iZombie is a fantastic new show!

I’m glad that the CW finally has a show that portrays a strong female protagonist. Liv is smart, strong, and selfless. She’s done everything since she’s become a Zombie to keep her friends and family safe from her new affliction.


It is based off a comic, one that I haven’t read, so I can’t state the comparisons and contrasts. I’ve been told it differs, but I can’t say how much, or if a fan is pissed about the differences. I love the way they have the comic book intros and the first person narration through out the show. It’s Urban Fantasy with a comedic flair and enough originality to keep the viewer wanting more.
After her transformation, Liv only has one person who knows who she is and that’s her boss and ally Dr. Ravi! Sexy, smart, and currently trying to find out what caused Liv’s transformation so he can find a cure and she can go back to a little bit of normalcy.

Liv literally becomes who she eats. Nomming down on the cerebral cortex gives her the memories and traits of the recently deceased. Working in a morgue, she often gets meals based off people who have been murdered. It’s almost like she’s having psychic visions. DUN DUN DUN!

This works to her advantage with her new police detective partner Clive. The edgy cop who’s got a bit of a bad boy side to himself, but always wants to do the right thing. Most of his superiors don’t take him seriously, at least not until Liv starts giving him the upper hand her with little bit of visions that often help save the day–or get misconstrued in a hilarious way.

Sometimes, she doesn’t get what she bargained for when she eats the brain of a person. What she things might be fun ends up getting her into more trouble.

Of course, there is the uber fun, great Zombie villain who is killing street kids and vagrants to sell to other Zombie’s in need–for a very high price of course.

I love when shows have a fantastic villain, and Blaine is one of those. He’s got personality, flair, and the writers did a great job of creating an all around, three dimensional bad guy.

So, if you haven’t started watching, it’s time to start tuning in on Tuesday nights on the CW–after you catch up on the first part of the season of course.



Wednesday Watching’s – DAREDEVIL

Seriously? You’re not watching this? WHY NOT?!

Okay, maybe you’re a little nervous because of the movie with Ben Affleck. Not the best rendition of Matt Murdock, but the show? Holy crap the show!

Charlie Cox plays Matt Murdock and Daredevil on an insanely good level. The dark, noir feel gives me chills all up and down my spine.

The emotions run deep, and I admit it, I am not squeamish when it comes to violence. At least most of the time. I LOVED the action, the fighting, and I also loved when Matt fell apart, showing his softer side.  He could be an alpha hero while letting out his angst. Sure, he had to keep his secret, most heroes do. They sacrifice, they carry more scars than any they give out, and most often, they wind up alone. 

Matt, I think knows this is probably going to be his fate, but the city needs him. Cox portrayal is just amazing. They couldn’t have picked a better person for the show.

The story lines are great, though I agree with the consensus of I’d like to see a little bit more strength in the female character. Not that they aren’t strong. There are ways to be strong without having to fight.

Claire Temple, portrayed by Rosario Dawson finds herself in a tricky situation and gets the crap kicked out of her, but she could have walked away at that point. Instead, she stays to help Matt when he needs her.



Karen Page, portrayed by Deborah Ann Woll, well I was a  little unsure about her character in the beginning, but toward the end of the season–yeah the girl got her sea legs and proved herself to me. She continued searching for the truth knowing it might put her in danger, and when it came down to it, she faced off with a baddie and won.

Both Karen and Claire could have walked away after everything, but they found the courage to stay and do the right thing. There is strength in that.

But yes, I would like to see them kick a little more ass in their own right too!

Foggy Nelson, portrayed by Eldon Henson (hey, that nearly rhymes!) is the comic relief. He is amazing, smart, handsome, talented, and I absolutely adore his character.  His friends are his family and he would do anything for them–that also means that if he feels betrayed by them, it runs deep in his blood. You love it when he makes you laugh and your heart just ACHES when he is hurt.

The writers, directors, and cast have done a great job at making this a stand out show. It’s already been renewed for season 2, but damn it man, we won’t see it again till 2016! That breaks my heart. In the mean time you can watch Season 1 over and over and over again on Netflix.

PS. If you’re curious as to why Foggy looks so familiar, you might remember him as Fulton Reed. One half of the Bash Brothers from The Mighty Ducks.